Customer Stories

3 Top Case Studies To Power Your Facebook Advertising

How is your Facebook Advertising going? Could it be better? Here are three examples of ecommerce companies who are seeing great ROI from Facebook Advertising. Hopefully these will help inspire you to take the necessary next steps.


JewelScent have three goals with Facebook: branding, engagement and ultimately customer acquisition. Having seen some success through direct response advertising on Facebook, Derin Oyekan, Co-founder and CMO, was keen to scale their ads and test new segments, while maintaining control over spend.



  • 44% Increase in Spend
56% Increase in Revenue
  • 27% Decrease in Cost Per Checkout
29% Increase in RoAS

Read the case study.

Prior to using StitcherAds, were using PowerEditor and despite trying another vendor, could not achieve the results they were looking for. These other tools were time consuming and didn’t make it easy to quickly test many campaigns.


Results so far:

  • 160% Better RoAS than previous retargeting
  • 74% Better RoAS than FBX
  • Over 60% of conversions seen via mobile ads first

Read the case study.

Secret Sales

Within a short period of time, Secret Sales was realizing surprising results on Facebook. “Using StitcherAds, we’re able to hit our targets within first couple days of running campaigns,” said Umar. “StitcherAds opened my eyes to driving ROI in a channel that’s not traditionally geared to DR conversion.”


Read the case study.

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