Best Practices

4 Reasons Why You Should Be Using Custom Audiences

Facebook Custom Audiences allow you to reach your most valuable audiences on Facebook, using CRM data and intent data from your website. Custom Audiences are a great way on Facebook to target people based on data you own, in a safe way. In addition to creating a Custom Audiences from a data file, you can use them to remarket customers from your website or mobile app and reach them on any device.

  1. Immense Scale: Facebook's brand reach across desktop and mobile consist of 1.35bn active users.
  2. Real Identity: Facebook's use of real identity means you will target people, not cookies.
  3. Accurate Targeting: You can layer other Facebook targeting options to ensure you're sending the right message.
  4. Across Devices: Display ads across desktop and mobile.

Custom Audiences from your website

Website Custom Audiences (WCA) are a powerful means of identifying people who have visited your website and finding them again on Facebook – even on tablet and mobile, unlike other retargeting solutions.

In fact, StitcherAds can enable not just this basic use of Website Custom Audiences, but makes it really relevant for retailers.

  • Retarget to people who looked at a single product/SKU
  • Exclude people who actually bought a particular SKU
  • Use Website Custom Audiences to prospect to people on Facebook who look similar to those who bought a particular product

Custom Audiences vs FBX

Custom Audiences from your audience and Facebook Exchange are similar but can be leverage in different ways:

Custom Audiences are best when you want to target users across device and you want to combine your Custom Audience with other Facebook targeting. Below is a table showcasing the main differences.

Custom Audiences vs FBX

What are your experiences with creating and using  Custom Audiences?