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7 Tips for a Facebook Mobile Advertising Strategy

Written by Kieran Rùsland | Jan 15, 2015 4:12:42 PM

It's crucial to have a Facebook mobile advertising strategy, as part of your overall digital strategy. Why, you might ask. Well, adults now spend more time on mobile phones and tablets than they do on desktops and laptops, according to eMarketer. This should of course inform your overall digital marketing strategy. Recently, we put together a free eGuide on developing a Facebook advertising strategy for Ecommerce. This post outlines specific tactics for your Facebook mobile advertising strategy.

1) Use Unpublished Page Posts (aka Dark Posts)

Basically this allows you to post ads to targeted audiences rather than all of your followers. If you want to learn more, read our post on the 6 reasons to use unpublished page post.

2) Images Contain Less Than 20 % Text

If you don't, Facebook will reject your image. Use this tool to test before uploading to avoid rejection.

3) Use a Timely Offer

An offer, such as a discount, with a limited timeframe can produce better results.

4) Test Ad Permutations for Different Devices

You'll want to create different ads for each device and OS. This way you can test where your ads perform best and which ads perform on which device. Adjust your budget, when testing two or three ads, between 10 to 20 % of the maximum budget for the campaign. Then go with the best performing one for the remaining budget.

5) Re-target Across Devices

As users move from device to device, and even back to desktop and mobile, tracking their journey and targeting or retargeting them with relevant ads is imperative.

6) Bid Strategy

Use optimized CPM (oCPM) because conversion and click-through rates tend to be higher with Facebook mobile.

7) Mobile App Ads

In the last two years mobile apps have all but killed mobile web. In fact, MarketingProfs reported, "app usage accelerating to over 65% of time spent for digital media consumption." And there are no signs of this slowing down in 2015. Mobile web is on its way out.

Mobile app engagement and mobile app install ads should be part of your strategy, if you have a mobile app. Engagement ads allow you to redirect Facebook users to your app. You can even use "deep linking," where an add can link to a specific product or offer within your mobile app. Install ads link directly to the appropriate app store (Apple's or Google's).