Best Practices

Are You Ready for Facebook Summer Advertising?

Most businesses are affected by seasonal changes, in one way or another. Some are very obvious, like retailers selling more umbrellas in winter, but some aren't. For example, did you know 76% of people who connect to Facebook in summer do so on a mobile device? (Source: Facebook). As people spend more time outside they naturally use mobile Facebook more and, therefore, purchasing habits change.

Summer Facebook Advertising

How to Get Ready for Facebook Summer Advertising

Firstly, are you reaching mobile users? FBX for example, does not let you reach mobile users. Ensure you are reaching your mobile users in summer, through a suitable platform.

Secondly, if you are selling products, you should consider taking advantage of Day Parting to target your users at the times they are likely to engage. People may stay up later in summer and purchasing habits may vary. Start testing different times to see which get the results. Pay close attention to your results to identify trends.

Another good example of how to get ready for summer is to target travellers, "95% of people say they use Facebook for holiday related activities before booking" (Source: Facebook). Try and capture last minute and impulse travel spend by staying top of mind, as people look for travel inspiration. Use Custom Audiences to encourage travellers that are yet to book extras like hotels or insurance. Then use Website Custom Audiences to prospect to people on Facebook who look similar to people who bought those extras.

If you are clothes retailer, think how your target audience will be making purchases. If they are planning on making more purchases for holidays, ensure you use multi-product ads to offer outfits or suitable clothing for summer activities.

What are you tips for getting ready for summer advertising? Let us know below!