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Black Friday and Cyber Monday Online Sales Results

Written by Conor Ryan | Dec 8, 2014 2:24:48 PM

Black Friday and Cyber Monday typically sees large expenditure in online advertising and consumer spending. This year was no different, "For the holiday season-to-date, $22.7 billion has been spent online, marking a 15-percent increase versus the corresponding days last year." (ComScore). A lot of statistics about Black Friday and Cyber Monday have been in circulation from a variety of sources, so we have collated the most reliable and interesting stats to help you get an overview for what happened:

According to the IBM Black Friday Report: "Black Friday online sales were up 9.5 percent year-over-year with mobile devices accounting for one-in-four of all online purchases.".

Strong year-over-year growth rate for online sales, yet the mobile device purchasing stat is incredible, it really highlights the fact that people are happy to purchase on mobile devices. Check this post out to learn more about the future of Mobile Commerce.


Forbes explain, "In 2013 Black Friday discussions on social media were tracked at 996,306. This year it was up to 2,013,943 so a doubling of social interest."

Social interest here shows that more people are on the platforms and that "companies were clearly using their social media presence as a way of generating more sales online" (Forbes).

Adobe report on Cyber Monday:

  • $190 million spent on mobile devices
  • Smartphones and tablets drive 26% of total online sales so far, up from 18% in 2013
  • Smartphone share: 11%, up from 6% in 2013
  • Tablet share: 15%, up from 12% in 2013

A staggering amount was spent via Mobile on Cyber Monday and the growth rates on mobile are impressive. The Adobe report also looks in detail at total online spend, which has set new records. The report is worth reading, as it explains that although mobile had large growth, it was specifically iOS users, as they drove four times as much mobile sales revenue as Android users, 79 and 21 percent respectively. Understanding exactly where your conversions are more likely to come from, means you can really focus your advertising. An interesting article by the New York times, Targeting Customers on Mobile During Holiday Shopping Season, is worth reading as it encapsulates the need to target mobile consumers.

Overall this year has seen some impressive growth rates and really sets this holiday season up to be record breaking. Are you running online advertising campaigns this holiday season? Which platforms do you think will be most successful? If you are looking for some top tips, download our Holiday Online Advertising Success eGuide below.