Customer Stories

Case Study - Rhone - Increasing Revenue by 175% with Dynamic Product Ads

Rhone increased revenue by 175% year-over-year using Dynamic Product Ads with StitcherAds.



As a new company with limited resources, limited budget, but aggressive revenue goals, Rhone needed a way to maximize ad performance. They found native ad management tools difficult to use for accomplishing their goals.


After learning about StitcherAds’ advanced Dynamic Product Ad features, Rhone approached StitcherAds to help them achieve their revenue goals. The customer success team at StitcherAds worked closely with the Rhone team to help them develop a strategy to effectively utilize the StitcherAds platform to set up and test ads before Black Friday.


“StitcherAds provides us with new innovative ways of getting in front of new customers and selling to existing ones. We’re thrilled with the 2.3x RoAS result we’ve achieved so far!”

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