
Creating an Instagram Mobile App Install Ad

In StitcherAds, you can create Instagram Mobile App Install Ads using combinations of up to 3 different images, headlines, and messages text to optimize for top performers.

Create Your Instagram Ad Template

Select your Instagram account from the drop down list. Then, select your App by either choosing from the dropdown list or manually entering your app URL.

Upload ad image, message, and headline selections, and choose a call to action. StitcherAds will automatically produce multiple ads with different combinations of what you've uploaded so that you can test and optimize ad performance.

For Android, people who have installed your app are automatically excluded.

For iOS, you'll need to provide a deep link in the "App Exclusion URL" field. This will automatically exclude current users. Note, that this is not your Apple App Store or Google Play URL, but a deep link for your app.

Instagram Targeting

Add your targeting options across the following sections:

  • Audiences - Add, overlap and exclude audiences (including video view audiences)
  • Location - Country, city and region.
  • Gender
  • Advanced Demographics - Work, Family and Relationship fields.
  • Placements
  • Additional Targeting - Behaviors, Interests and more.
  • Connections

Ad Permutations

It's important to segment your campaigns across different targeting groups. This allows you more control over optimizations (bids, budget, pause, etc) without editing the entire campaign. It also provides more detailed insights and data to drive future strategy decisions regarding who to target.

It should be noted that too many permutations can cause your campaign budget to be spread too thin. This can negatively affect reach and delivery.

Set Up The Campaign And Budget

Finally, give your campaign a name, add your tracking pixels and decide how much you wish to spend on your adverts. You will have the option to spread your budget evenly or weight it by estimated reach of each ad set. You can also adjust setup (budget, bid, delete) for your selected ad sets in the preview table below.