
Creative Image Templates & Dynamic Ads Generate Higher RoAS

Our clients are experiencing significant increases in Return on Ad Spend (RoAS), more click thrus and higher conversation rates when they use our Dynamic Image Templates (DIT) in their Dynamic Ads on Facebook and Instagram. An online fashion store recently reported that using DIT in a prospecting campaign resulted in a 38% uplift in clicks, a 12% higher rate of conversions and we have seen other clients achieve between 5% and 18% increases in RoAS.

Clients use our DIT solutions to address a broad range of creative challenges. Some use it to resize their feed images to make them compatible with Instagram while others use overlays to highlight sale prices or to add branding to product images. Here's a simple overview of some of our DIT capabilities:


With DIT, you can automatically adjust image sizes, add dynamic text from your feed, add shapes, logos and color overlays to enhance your ad creative. Combining DIT with Dynamic Ads for prospecting, cross selling and retargeting provides a highly efficient way to transform millions of product images into more effective ads.




We highly recommend setting up a range of templates that can be applied based on product categories, sale status, stock levels and many other data fields from your product feed. Clients create different templates for retargeting/prospecting, Facebook/Instagram, desktop/mobile, web/app targeting and a myriad of other use cases.




You can create a number of templates and apply them across multiple feeds. I could quote more campaign results, but I'm confident that you already know that converting your product images into beautiful, compelling, informative creatives will positively impact ad performance.  We know that an overlay template that enhances performance for one client might not even meet the brand style guidelines for another. That's why we have developed an automated process for testing template variations to identify top performers for a particular catalogue or segment.



Dynamic Ads have allowed us to significantly automate personalised campaigns and our DIT features have enabled us to meet the resulting need for an automated way to enhance the images dynamically used in ads.