
Dynamic Product Ads for Travel

A few months ago Facebook released dynamic product ads primarily for Ecommerce. After seeing great results with our customers, we adapted dynamic product ads for travel. Using StitcherAds, travel companies can now take advantage of automated, personalized ads for prospecting, retargeting and cross-selling.

Here are a few use cases from our current travel customers:

  1. Vacation Rental Marketplace - using on site destination search (i.e., search intent) to retarget users with top results for accommodation in the searched for location.
  2. Online Travel Agent - using multiple feeds to enable complex retargeting for flights, hotels and transport based on cross channel intent.
  3. Flash Sales Site - using feed mapping technology and advanced configuration to split campaigns into standard and flash sale properties.
  4. Online Travel Agent - using flexible feed mapping and advanced configuration to enable copy variations for different property types e.g. apartments, houses, rooms etc. including capacity details and property type and location.


Dynamic Product Ads for Travel Made Easy

We've made it very easy for a travel company to get started with dynamic ads. It only takes a few minutes. There are only three requirements to get started:

  1. A feed of items available via a public URL (Use this free tool to test your feed)
  2. A Facebook pixel on pages of your items for sale/rent
  3. Start a free 14 day trial of StitcherAds (Use the form at the bottom of this page)

Have another idea for a travel use case? Or want more ideas how they could work for your business? Get in touch and let us know.