Best Practices

Facebook Advanced Demographic Targeting

Power users already know how important Facebook advanced demographic targeting is for prospecting. Demographic targeting is used to narrow the audience that sees your ads, which helps to improve RoAS.

We've made advanced demographic targeting very easy in StitcherAds. The following options are available in our advanced demographic targeting:

  • Work targeting:
    • Employers (e.g., Apple, StitcherAds, Facebook, etc.)
    • Job Title (e.g., CEO, Accountant, etc. )
    • Industries (e.g., Management, Sales, Retail, etc.)
  • Family type:
    • Parent type (e.g., All parents, Parents of children aged 0-3yrs, Expectant parents, etc.)
  • Relationship targeting:
    • Relationship Status (e.g., Single, Married, In a relationship, etc.)
    • Interested in (e.g., Men, Women, not specified.)

Facebook Advanced Demographic Targeting in StitcherAds

facebook advanced demographic targeting

The one limitation with advanced demographic targeting is that automated permutations are not supported. This is because permutations would result in smaller audiences, which would affect the performance of campaigns. If you select any of these options, they will be applied to all ads in the campaign you are creating.