Best Practices

Facebook Multi-Product Ads Producing Results for Online Retailers

Facebook multi-product ads are indeed a game changer—increasing ROI and Click Through Rates, while also decreasing Cost Per Click and Cost Per Checkout.

These ads were made widely available a week ago via Facebook's API. We had functionality already built into StitcherAds, so our customers could start taking advantage of it right way. After using the new multi-product ads in Facebook, our customers are seeing measurable results in reach and conversions on both mobile and desktop.

Results for Facebook Multi-product Ads

The following are a few of our customers who have seen results using multi-product ads vs single ads on Facebook. These statistics are only based on a week's worth of data and results may vary by company and products, but what we've seen so far is very promising.

Furniture Company

  • 7% increase in CTR on mobile
  • 2% decrease in Cost Per Click on mobile
  • 57% decrease in Cost Per Click on desktop

Turkish Fashion Company

  • 6.27% better ROI on desktop
  • 19% decrease in Cost Per Checkout on mobile
  • 22% decrease in Cost Per Checkout on desktop

Large Online Flash Sales Retailer

  • 61% increase in CTR on mobile

Gaming Company

  • 14% increase in CTR on both mobile and desktop
  • 26% decrease in Cost Per Click on mobile
  • 66% decrease in Cost Per Click on desktop

Increasing Multi-Product Ad Results

We expect to see more great results moving forward. The results above are based on only a week's worth of data and somewhat limited spend, so not completely conclusive and other companies may see slightly different results. As with any ads, improving the creative, analysing reports, and using optimisation tools will help improve results over time. We've said it before, but based on these initial results, it really does look like Facebook Multi-Product Ads are a game changer for online retailers.

Creating Facebook multi-product ads is very easy within StitcherAds. We've also made it abundantly easy to create the various permutations for desktop, mobiles and tablets—making reporting and optimisation more efficient.

Contact us for a demo of StitcherAds.