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FBX's Days Are Numbered

Written by Conor Ryan | Mar 17, 2015 4:07:34 PM

An interesting article by the UK Business Insider looks at the decline in use of FBX. We have been talking about this at StitcherAds for quite some time, due to the limited reach of FBX. Check out this post about how FBX is limiting your ROI.

"From Facebook's point of view, FBX is just one product among dozens, and the mix of them changes and evolves all the time. Facebook was never dependent on FBX for revenues — its other operations were always more successful. So whether FBX waxes or wanes within Facebook is not such a big deal." UK Business Insider. 

It is interesting to consider that FBX is one of many products and products do evolve and change. It is important to pay close attention to what is getting the best results across all devices and not just what appears to be the easiest to use tool.  With that in mind a lot of companies have ignored the warnings and not paid enough attention to Facebook's signaled intentions.

FBX Replaced by Dynamic Product Ads (DPAs)

With the decline in FBX there is a new Facebook advertising channel that has just been launched.

"On Feb. 20 of this year, Facebook launched a new advertising channel, called product ads. The new function replicates, in principle, many of the purposes of FBX. It is intended for advertisers who want to target customers who have previously visited their web sites, for instance. It doesn't use cookies — it's a "closed" Facebook system." (UK Business Insider)

We have been using DPAs for quite some time already. In fact some of our customers are seeing great results with dynamic product ads. Interested in learning more about dynamic product ads? Download our new eGuide, Facebook Dynamic Product Ads.