Best Practices

Boost Your Online Conversion Rate by Leveraging Your Physical Stores

06_04 blog header


You put a lot of work into creating stunning Facebook and Instagram ads … so why would you settle for mediocre conversion rates?

Online advertising certainly plays a role in driving brick-and-mortar revenue, but many retail marketers still aren't optimizing for online-to-offline commerce.

If you are solely focused on reaching digital shoppers, your conversion rate is not reflective of those consumers who crave the in-store experience. And there are tons of them. In fact, 62% of shoppers prefer to shop in stores because they want the ability to see, touch, feel and try items out, according to a recent study.

So, speak to them. Start leveraging your brick-and-mortar stores in your online ad creative. 

Facebook's Store Sales Optimization is making it easier for retailers to identify and target in-store shoppers. But, targeting the right people is only half the battle. Your ad creative must match the objective if you want to inspire shoppers to visit your physical locations. Once they convert in-store, factor them into the equation and watch your conversion rate bump up. (Don’t forget that in-store shopping can lead to a boost in impulse purchases. Most impulse purchases still occur in brick-and-mortar locations.)

Need some inspiration for your online-to-offline ads before you get started? Here are four elements to incorporate into your creative.


1. Share inventory information.

Do you have new products in stock that are only available in your physical locations? Let your customers know.

This would work particularly well for cross-selling campaigns. If you have new items that complement products from previous purchases, let your customers know they can buy the complementary items immediately in store.

Another great strategy is to share real-time inventory information. If shoppers have browsed your site for a particular item, retarget them with an ad letting them know how many are left in stock at their local store – if that number is low. The feeling of scarcity will inspire them to act quickly.



2. Display in-store prices and offers.

Is your brand running in-store only promotions? Reflect that in your creative.

Use dynamic image templates to call out:

  • lower prices with a strikethrough effect;
  • in-store only offers, e.g. “BOGO”;
  • percentage off certain product categories.

Make it clear that your shoppers will benefit by making an in-store purchase.


3. Show customers how close they are.

What if your customers have no idea that one of your stores is just a short drive away?

With carousel ads, you can include map cards to indicate where your nearest store is located. Make sure to include the actual distance, so they know that they won’t have to travel too far to get your products in their hands.


4. Call out the value of going in-store.

Use your copy to explain why your customer should take the time to visit one of your stores. Briefly outline that this is their chance to see, touch, feel and try on your products before buying.

For example, if a customer viewed a pair of sunglasses on your site and didn’t convert, use language in your ad that will inspire them to go see them in person. Think: “Try them on at your nearest store location.”

Or, if a shopper viewed your site’s lipstick category page, retarget them with an ad outlining next steps. “Find your perfect shade at your local store.


Increase your conversion rate and uncover better insights

As you ramp up your online-to-offline campaigns, continuously measure how your ads are performing. Use those insights to further optimize your strategies. It will pay off. Retailers who work with StitcherAds are seeing a 31x average increase in ROAS as a result of their omnichannel campaigns.


For more insights on how to set up your omnichannel marketing campaigns, check out The Facebook & Instagram Retail Marketing Guide.