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Instagram Video Advertising

Written by Kieran Rùsland | Mar 21, 2016 4:30:57 PM

In StitcherAds, Instagram Video Advertising is as easy as a few clicks. Using up to 9 unique creative variations (one video with up to 3 thumbnails and 3 messages) you can create an Instagram Video ad in minutes.

Select Your Creative Variations & Create Your Ads

Begin by selecting the video you'd like to advertise. Select up to 3 thumbnail images to test. You can create up to 3 message variations here by clicking the + icon.

Add your caption, call to action and CTA URL to finish the creative setup.

StitcherAds can save your creative template for reuse the next time you create a Instagram Video Ad campaign.

Instagram Video Targeting

Add your targeting options across the following sections:

  • Audiences - Add, overlap and exclude audiences (including video view audiences)
  • Location - Country, city and region.
  • Gender
  • Advanced Demographics - Work, Family and Relationship fields.
  • Placements - Only newsfeed placements are available for Video ads.
  • Additional Targeting - Behaviors, Interests and more.
  • Connections

Instagram Video Permutations

It's important to segment your campaigns across different targeting groups. This allows you more control over optimizations (bids, budget, pause, etc) without editing the entire campaign. It also provides more detailed insights and data to drive future strategy decisions regarding who to target.

Set Up The Campaign And Budget

Finally, give your campaign a name, add your tracking pixels and decide how much you wish to spend on your ads. You will have the option to spread your budget evenly or weight it by estimated reach of each ad set. You can also adjust setup (budget, bid, delete) for your selected ad sets in the preview table below.