Customer Stories Use Facebook’s Collection Ads To Double Performance

The UK designer furniture brand continues to maintain the accolade of being one of our most innovative clients with their recent participation in our alpha test of the new collection ad format on Facebook across four markets.


Once again they have been rewarded with immediate performance uplift on their prospecting campaigns where they managed to significantly increase their RoAS. Adidas and Tommy Hilfiger also participated in the early tests of collection ads. Adidas saw a 5.3x return on ad spend using collection ads while Tommy saw a 2.2x higher return on ad spend.

"Collection Ad format is perfect for our brand on the Facebook platform. We know videos are a great way to introduce our design-led brand to new audiences, and we see great traction when we showcase our beautiful products on visual Ad formats. The Collection Ad format enables us to achieve both by engaging in a deeper visual storytelling - and that's why we see higher engagement than any other format"

-Farhan Miah, Head of Acquisitions,


[video width="400" height="224" mp4=""][/video]


The collection ad format enabled to combine a category level (lighting) video with 50 products from that category (some featured in the video) to drive discovery and sales from the mobile News Feed (format is mobile only for now). In total promoted 300 products from multiple categories and trend lines.

“Our Beta test of Facebook Collection Ads has been successful. We created 3 dedicated mobile-first advertising creatives and immediately saw a performance uplift on our prospecting campaigns across 4 markets. This format has allowed us to reach new audiences and drive discovery of our key categories, while delivering an incremental RoAS”

-Annabel Kilner, Commercial Director,

Here at StitcherAds, we are constantly working with our clients to replicate on-site, in-app and in-store shopping experiences in the News Feed and the collection ad format offers an immersive experience built for the mobile customer. was able to rapidly create ads with collection using our product feed features to quickly define the categories and products they wanted to feature and all creative (excluding the video) is automatically populated from the product feed.


When a customer clicks the video or any of the products, it opens to a fast-loading, full-screen shopping experience featuring lighting designs where customers can instantly browse and shop. This not only creates a better mobile shopping experience for customers in the Facebook News Feed, it also increased purchase consideration and sales.


clicktru customers can easily scroll to browse lights and then click any lighting design to be brought directly to that product page on the website/app to complete their purchase. When compared to the performance of other prospecting campaigns that has run, campaigns using the collection ad format delivered higher RoAS.

Want to learn how StitcherAds can help you craft a winning strategy using collections ads? Drop us a line! We'd love to chat.

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