Best Practices

More Conversions on Every Device with Dynamic Product Ads

FBX is dying a slow death, many have predicted its imitate demise, and this just reveals the difficulty of desktop tech keeping up with an increasingly mobile world. Last year during the holidays, 56% of in-store sales were influenced by mobile, according to's research.

Some vendors (cough, cough...Criteo), who's revenue relies primarily on FBX, will tell you they have "extended mobile capabilities" by adding dynamic product ads for mobile campaigns. The problem is this completely misses the point and benefit of dynamic product ads:

Dynamic product ads drive conversions across every device—not simply mobile!

Here are some of the ways dynamic product ads drive conversions across every device:

Extend reach with cross-sell and up-sell

Advertisers can use dynamic product ads to who related products to people who have purchased an item already. For example, if someone purchased a piece of luggage, you could show them product ads featuring additional bags or travel items. Of if someone booked a flight to New York City, you could show them ads for hotels in the area.

This is done by using product categories or "product sets," which you can easily define based on your business. With custom field mapping the options are extremely flexible.

Watch a short video on how to cross-sell with StitcherAds.

Optimize for sales, not clicks

The obvious goal with direct response advertising is increase sales. Dynamic product ads allow you to optimize for conversions, where Facebook's ad delivery system will find people likely to buy a product—not just click on it—and show them your ad. Spending then becomes more efficient because ads are shown to people likely to convert.

Get started with dynamic product ads

We've put together a free eGuide that will help you get started with your strategy for dynamic product ads:
