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Multi-Product Ads & Dynamic Product Ads

Written by Conor Ryan | Mar 12, 2015 2:47:59 PM

In light of the release of dynamic product ads (DPAs), we thought it would be important to explain how they work with multi-product ads. Dynamic product ads are most relevant for eCommerce and retail marketers with high website traffic and large product inventory looking to drive conversions online. Already we are seeing some incredible dynamic product ad results. Below is an example of a JewelScent DPA: 

Multi-Product Ads (MPA) are a powerful canvas for showcasing multiple images and links in News Feed. Multi-product ads can be used with any form of targeting, and give an advertiser the option to have full creative control over their product ad. Using MPAs in conjunction with dynamic product ads, the advertiser can either manually select up to 5 images and order, or they can optimize the selection and order by opting in to the creative rotation feature.

The StitcherAds DPA implementation enables you to easily configure an automated solution that retargets engaged customers with interactive ads containing the products they engaged with on your website. StitcherAds automatically generates the dynamic ads and individually targets them to the right customer on any device they use. Below shows how the ad renders on mobile.