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New: Dynamic Ads for Travel - Increase Conversion and Lower Costs

Written by Kieran Rùsland | May 10, 2016 3:15:00 PM

Dynamic ads for travel are always-on advertising specifically designed for hotels, airlines, booking websites and other travel brands to connect the right travel product to the right person at the right time, at scale and across devices. With the rich sources of data travel providers have access to, Dynamic Ads for Travel offers exciting possibilities to reach people with offers of unrivaled relevance. But creating relevant ads for travel can be very time-consuming -- when there are many destination combinations, places and unknown traveler intent.Dynamic Ads for Travel simplify the process and allow marketers to create more highly relevant ads in less time.

"As a leading accommodation booking website, we were excited to see how we could use Dynamic Ads for Travel to help more people find the perfect stay. The StitcherAds platform and dynamic ads expertise enabled us to easily activate Dynamic Ads for Travel and we're encouraged by the early results."—Mark Abrami, Head of Social at

Highly Effective Targeting

In the past without knowing traveler intent, it was very hard to target them with specific personalized ads. Now with Dynamic Ads for Travel, advertisers can be very specific who they target with relevant and personalized ads. Traveler intent information is used in combination with specific travel offers that match, such that ads are created automatically, dynamically and personalized to each traveler—resulting in more bookings and greater Return on Ad Spend.


Getting Specific with Targeting

Getting very specific with targeting using Dynamic Ads for Travel is easy with StitcherAds. For example, with a few clicks you can create an audience consisting of couples intent on traveling to a specific destination with specific departure dates. This audience can then be used to dynamically display ads with travel products meeting their criteria. Watch this video to see how it’s done:


Benefits of Dynamic Ads for Travel

  • Greater efficiency and retargeting automation
  • Save significant time in the creation of ads
  • Increase Return on Investment & Lower Cost Per Booking

Key Features of Dynamic Ads for Travel

In addition to the powerful targeting, Dynamic Ads for Travel with Stitcherads offers the following features:

On-site/In-app Customer Signals and Events

  • Capture that a customer viewed a particular hotel, searched a particular destination or abandoned a booking
  • Capture check-in/check-out dates, number of guests, reward club membership status etc.
  • Capture related hotels and cross sell opportunities   

Granular Targeting

  • Exclude customers whose check-in date has passed
  • Target customers who are interested in booking 3 months in advance
  • Target users that have completed 3 searches in the last 7 days

Advanced Creative

  • Real-time price per room-type / per property
  • Reviews and star ratings
  • Automatic image rotation based on image tags
  • Price reductions or increases
  • Reward member status based creative and offers

Enhanced Optimization

  • Bid based on booking windows e.g. bid higher for customers who wish to book a room tonight
  • Profitability based bidding
  • Exclude infrequent bookers and include frequent bookers (business/pleasure customers)
  • Bid based on duration of stay or if a weekend features in the stay