Customer Stories

Rapidly Scaling Ads on Facebook & Increasing RoAS

TrackR was eager to scale their activity on Facebook and increase performance. However, it was time consuming and existing tools were limiting growth. They would often quickly burn through audiences, who seemed to be early adopters, and desired to gain more customers in the mass-market.



After trying several other solutions, TrackR chose StitcherAds for “the simple, obvious and intuitively powerful direct response features,” said Jeremy Fish, Marketing Manager at TrackR. These features were particularly important for TrackR's success:

  1. Automated URL Tracking
  2. Automated Controls
  3. Creative Testing


Prior to using StitcherAds, Jeremy would spend two hours a day on ad creation. Now, just 20 minutes. That’s 83% less time for ad creation, where he is now able to spend his time improving performance.

Read the full case study