
Smart Retargeting for Dynamic Product Ads

Dynamic Product Ads (DPAs) have the ability to deliver highly personalized carousel ads to customers’ news feeds.  StitcherAds makes it really simple for advertisers to rapidly setup a basic DPA retargeting campaign to retarget any customer that viewed or added to basket any product in their entire catalog over a specified timeframe.

Achieving higher RoAS with more sophisticated DPA retargeting campaigns is easy with StitcherAds. Here's how it's done:

Product Segmentation

StitcherAds enables clients to split their product catalog into smaller products sets based on factors like profit margin, product category, products on sale, product attributes etc. This is achieved by using our flexible feed mapping features to use custom fields to capture product data like profit margin.

Smart Bidding

StitcherAds also enables clients to bid differently based on those product sets and also based on other factors including the following:

  • Margin Bidding - bid based on the profit margin for a product set
  • Device Bidding - clients bid differently for ads delivered on desktop, iPhone, Android tablet etc.
  • Recency Bidding - clients can configure staggered retargeting timelines and bids e.g. retarget viewers for 3 days, then wait a further week before retargeting them again for a further 3 days and bid differently for each timeline.
  • Intent Bidding - bid differently for product viewers and those that added to cart.

Clients could achieve this smarter configuration by onerously generating lots of campaigns. The new StitcherAds DPA Permutations feature enables clients to achieve this level of sophistication within a single campaign and removes much of the workload required to configure these campaigns by automatically generating adsets based on simple configuration.

Smart Retargeting

Frequency Management

One of the biggest challenges with retargeting can be effectively managing the number of times a customer is presented with your ad. Facebook naturally manages frequency by limiting the number of times users can be presented with ads (posts) from an advertiser (fan page) to two ads per day.

However, because of the generally high bids used to ensure your retargeting ad makes it into a customer’s newsfeed, the frequency on DPA retargeting ads can increase to concerning levels over time. With traditional online banner retargeting this can be brand damaging and result in a poor customer experience with a brand. With Facebook advertising this can be detrimental to your relevance score, which can negatively impact the distribution of your ads. To avoid this, use the StitcherAds Advanced Product Audience feature to intelligently manage the frequency of your ads.

Smart Retargeting for Dynamic Product Ads

See how smart retargeting for dynamic product ads can achieve better RoAS by starting a 14 day trial of StitcherAds today.