Best Practices

The Different Types of Facebook Mobile App Ads Explained

Last week we announced the release of the new Facebook mobile carousel ad format. We thought it would be useful to recap on the Facebook mobile app ads available and how you can use them to benefit your business. The 3 types are:

  • App Install Ads
  • Engagement/Retargeting App Ads
  • New Carousel App Ad

StitcherAds Mobile App Install & Engagment Ads

1. App Install Ads

These are ads which promote the install of your app. Ads appear in the Newsfeed and take people directly to the App Store or Google Play to install your app. In StitcherAds you can also choose whether you just want to reach people on wi-fi, to ensure user experience is seamless. Use App Install Ads for:

  • Offering your app to new users.
  • Split test ad variations using three different images, headlines and messages.
  • Tracking, adjusting effectiveness and performance.

2. Engagement/Retargeting App Ads

Mobile app ads are great for driving engagement and conversions for your app. Rather than direct someone to a site you can direct them straight to your app, and also specific locations within your app (deep-linking). For example, a travel app can target its existing users with relevant flight deals in an ad with a call to action to “Book Now” for a flight. When the person clicks the ad, they will be sent straight into the app to the flight deal advertised. Another example is a game can run an ad to its existing players to try a new level or start a match, with a “Play Game” call to action.

You can also choose calls to action like “Open Link”, “Use App”, “Watch Video”, “Shop Now”, or “Listen Now”, depending on what actions you want users to take and what fits your app’s functionality.


3. New Carousel Ad Format

We have blogged about the new carousel ad format here. But as a recap, this new ad format allows you to tell a story, show several products, or offer multiple discounts/offers in the same ad unit. Advertisers have seen carousel ads drive 30-50% lower cost- per-conversion and 20-30% lower cost-per-click than single-image ads.

Interested in creating your own mobile app ads? Use the form below to start your free trial.