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Our Top 5 Blog Posts of 2014

Written by Conor Ryan | Dec 22, 2014 3:15:16 PM

We hope you have had a great 2014 and are looking forward to 2015. Throughout the year we’ve blogged about various topics around Facebook Advertising and hopefully given you useful insights. The following were the most popular, so we’re sharing them again in case you missed them.

Happy Holidays!

1. Setting Up A Facebook Campaign for Retail Business –5 Steps

Facebook’s reach is incomparable (1.2 billion people) and the advertising cost is relatively low—generating strong ROI for online retailers. Setting up a Facebook campaign for retail business is fairly simple. Here’s a quick 5 step list for getting a campaign going on Facebook. Read post

2. Improve Your Facebook Cost Per Acquisition With These 4 Tips

Improving efficiency of spend and getting the most bang for your buck is a thought that never escapes a marketers mind. To help with this, we have created a list of 4 top tips to improve your Facebook Cost Per Acquisition (CPA). Read post.

3. Multi-Product Facebook Ads for Retailers

The newsfeed on Facebook is emerging as the most powerful performance marketing channel for online retailers, especially on mobile and tablet. Multi-product ads are Facebook’s first ad unit designed specifically for online retailers and early tests see up to a 45% drop in Cost Per Acquisition and a 42% increase in CTR. Read post.

4. How to Scale Ad Spend on Facebook

How do we scale ad spend on Facebook?” It’s a common question online retailers ask after they’ve started advertising on Facebook. You have an audience, but you’re not sure how to grow that audience and increase sales. In a nutshell, you can increase spend efficiently using three key elements... Read post.

5. Why Are Retailers Bringing Marketing In-House?

Online retail marketing efforts are increasingly being brought in-house rather than outsourcing to external agencies. StitcherAds has quite a few customers who made that shift. Flash sale sites, often an early indicator of trends in marketing, tend to experiment with agencies and managed service partners. Read post.