Best Practices

Top Tip for Holiday Facebook Advertising: Automate, Automate and Automate

The holiday season is upon us and online retailers are in the midst of creating and launching new Facebook ads. It is an exciting period yet it can be a time consuming one, as using native tools like PowerEditor or other solutions not specifically designed for the needs of online retailers can impact efficiency. This period is an extremely busy one, so automating processes is a good way to free up resource for other tasks. In all aspects of business being able to automate processes tends to be a good thing. Many things can be and should be automated especially with Facebook Advertising. Take the below for example. When creating Facebook ads to target different groups, it can be highly time consuming:

Manual Ad Creation

A much simpler way is to automate the process. In the build up to Christmas a lot more companies will be using Facebook Advertising. Those who are experimenting, new entrants and companies who have it already integrated into their marketing. Being able to easily scale and make changes to ads, which do not take time, will be critical for success.

How to Automate Facebook Advertising

Use a third-party solution to easily create ads at scale from the feed of a product catalog. Speeding this process up will allow for more ad testing, more inventory changes and better sales. Below shows you just how easy it can be:


Automated Facebook Ads- StitcherAd Creation


If you want some advice with setting up automated ad creation, contact us here. Or if you are looking for more top tips, download our Holiday Online Advertising Success eGuide.