Best Practices

Facebook’s Trip Consideration Objective: What You Need To Know

Dynamic ads for travel to broad audiences introduced a travel-specific and automated ad format for advertisers to expand their reach to travel audiences.


Previously, travel advertisers would create lookalike audiences mirroring their website or mobile app visitors to target new users or utilize interest-based targeting. Broad audiences introduced the ability to reach people who have expressed intent to travel to specific destinations, even if they have not been to your site or app.

Now, Facebook is releasing a new solution to expand reach for travel audiences called trip consideration.

Trip consideration sits higher in your purchase funnel, focusing on users that might be likely to travel, but haven’t indicated the destination intent. Whereas a user reached through broad audiences may have shown interest in traveling to a certain location (e.g. Bali), a user targeted with a trip consideration campaign may have indicated they enjoy traveling to warm, beachy places. This provides a unique opportunity for travel marketers to place themselves top of mind earlier, before the planning even starts.

trip consideration funnel


Trip consideration was released to a small number of Facebook Marketing Partners prior to public release. To prep yourself for the public release, here’s what you need to know:

1. Trip consideration does not require a catalog and is easy to get started with your own choice of creative.

Trip consideration is ideal for reaching people looking for travel inspiration. It’s an opportunity to feature top travel deals, destinations and content to inspire users to take a trip with your offers.

2. Trip consideration can be added to Lookalike Audiences or other audience targeting.

For audiences built under the conversions objective, the trip consideration objective can be added to improve campaign performance. When selecting your optimization for ad delivery, toggle on the option to prioritize delivery to people who plan to travel.

We tested trip consideration with a major vacation rental company, comparing ad sets targeting lookalike audiences with and without trip consideration. Ads using trip consideration drove a 33% lower cost per booking and 59% higher conversion rate.

trip consideration

As reports roll in that people are working more, and vacationing less (read: Americans take only half their vacation days), maybe we could all use a little nudge in the right direction. Trip consideration is here to give travelers that nudge. We all deserve a little vacation, right?

Want to learn more about trip consideration? Send us your info and a member of our team will reach out to get you started.

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