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US Online Holiday Shopping Sees 25% YoY Growth

Written by Conor Ryan | Jan 23, 2015 9:22:11 AM

According to research by Wipro Digital,  71% of surveyed consumers in UK and 61% in US, reported doing more than half their 2014 holiday shopping online. In 2013, 45% in the UK and 36% in the US reported doing the majority of their shopping online. These are significant increases in consumers who are purchasing online. The research also found that consumers are spending more online than in-store when it comes to holiday shopping. UK consumers spent an average of £292 online compared to £179 in-store, where as in the US, online purchases averaged $400 and in-store $302.

With more consumers purchasing online AND spending more, an online advertising strategy is crucial and will continue to grow in importance.

There appears to be several reasons why shopping online is growing in popularity: greater convenience, better prices and ease of use. We have previously studied online buying behaviour and you can learn more in this report: Online Buying Behaviour Report- 8 Consumer Insights That You Didn’t Know. Consumers want shopping to be frictionless and that is what online is giving them. The big winners are online pure play retailers as 44% of UK and 47% of US shoppers report doing more than half their online shopping on such sites. With this in mind reaching your users where they are happy to purchase is essential. According to the eMarketer Facebook is closing in on 1 Billion mobile users worldwide. The time to target users on mobile has never been so important, with consumers increasingly using mobile devices and making purchases online.

'Over 70% of all Facebook users globally will be mobile this year'.   eMarketer.

Reach your customers where they will be absorbing content, on their mobile and on Facebook. If you are considering Facebook advertising, you might find the below eGuide useful: