Best Practices

Why Measure Device Conversions?

"41% of people are switching between devices to complete a single activity." (Source: GfK)

People are spending more time across devices and are constantly switching between devices throughout the day. We have studied online buying behavior and observed that people see an ad for a product on their mobile and purchase on their desktop later, or vice versa. It is imperative to be able to measure this.


Cookie Based vs Identity Based Tracking

With over 1.35 billion monthly active users (Sept, 2014), Facebook is the largest and most accurate measure of cross-device usage. Rather than cookie based tracking, it is much better to measure real people. With Facebook advertising you can achieve this and there understand the users journey and conversion point, much more effectively. One of our customers, is seeing more than 70% of conversions being influenced by an ad that first appeared in the mobile app. Read more about the results have achieved in this blog post.

Cross-device Conversions

Think about your cross-device conversions to ensure you’re reaching the right people, on the right device with a relevant message, which is based on where they are in the conversion funnel (You can view your cross-device conversions by enabling the cross-device view in Facebook ads reporting). For example, if you know that your customers convert more on desktop, then build a Custom Audience of people further down the conversion funnel and reach them with strong call-to-action messaging on the device they’re likely to convert on. Being able to report on this is so important to working out where to place spend and to learn more about your customer.