Best Practices

How to Win at Grocery Marketing on Facebook & Instagram



Only 4% of grocery sales are completed online, but more than half are influenced by digital, according to Deloitte

This presents grocery marketing teams with a unique opportunity to engage shoppers.

However, the industry is failing to align with consumers on the digital platforms they frequent. 

Print circulars have long been a way for grocers to communicate regional products and offers. As the medium grows in cost and decreases in relevance with younger generations – it’s time for marketers to implement digital-forward solutions. 

Some have already cracked the code and are delivering personalized, localized experiences on Facebook & Instagram at scale.

The StitcherAds team recently launched “Overcoming Grocery’s Top Challenges on Facebook & Instagram” to outline the steps innovative grocers are taking to build shoppable, personalized digital circulars.

Here are the benefits they are seeing. 


1.  Delivering personalized, localized experiences in real-time. 

A survey from IDC, sponsored by Precima, found that 52% of food shoppers want to receive personalized promotions via digital.

With digital circulars on Facebook & Instagram, grocers can deliver just that and localize the deals for shoppers near every one of their stores. And they can do it in real-time.

Digital circulars enable grocers to heighten personalization by doing things like:

  • Automatically promoting new store-level promotions, prices, and availability at scale. With one single ad, retailers can localize the experience for customers near thousands of stores. 
  • Highlighting promotions by location. For example, if a cold front passes through Miami, marketers can drive last-minute offers for soup, tea, etc. for all stores in the region. 
  • Creating tailored-to-user circulars based on gender, location, age, purchase history, and more. A 26-year-old woman who frequently buys nail polish and sparkling water would see a digital circular with promotions for similar items at the forefront. Rather than having to sift through pages of offers that don’t align with her, this shopper would see relevant deals immediately.

The consumers of today crave personalized experiences and brands that deliver will resonate.

2. Effectively measuring ad effectiveness. 

One of the most challenging aspects of print campaigns is the inability to effectively measure the return on investment. 

With Facebook & Instagram campaigns, marketers can integrate online-to-offline measurement tools like Facebook’s Store Visits Reporting and Offline Conversions, or they can tap a third-party partner like Applied Predictive Technologies. This enables them to attribute in-store conversions back to digital campaigns, even down to the product-level.

This is a major benefit – not only for internal insights but to drive co-op marketing opportunities with CPG brands. 


3. Amplifying creative with video and dynamic content.

With digital circulars, grocery marketing teams have the opportunity to do something they’ve never been able to do with print: add video and dynamic creative to their campaigns.

Retailers that work StitcherAds have included a variety of videos with their digital circulars – ranging from content used on other channels to simple yet visually-pleasing animations. 

And it pays off. Facebook research shows that advertisers who pair static images with video for their ads see a 17% higher rate of conversions compared to brands that only use still images in their ads. 


4. Driving engagement from loyalty shoppers. 

The IDC survey found that 93% of grocery shoppers belong to their primary grocer’s loyalty program and 57% want their loyalty to be rewarded with product recommendations. 

With digital circulars on Facebook & Instagram, this is possible. 

A nationwide retailer that works with StitcherAds automated the creation of personalized ads to their loyal segment of customers. The team provided StitcherAds with a list of people who had available points to redeem. We then targeted those customers with a carousel of products they could redeem for free with their points. The copy read, “You have X points!” and was personalized based on audience segmentation.


Learn how to elevate your grocery marketing strategies

Grocery shoppers are on the hunt for seamless, personalized digital experiences. By transforming print mailers into shoppable, tailored-to-user ads on Facebook & Instagram – marketers can align with consumers’ expectations.

Want to learn how innovative grocers are cracking the code? Download your free copy of “Overcoming Grocery’s Top Challenges on Facebook & Instagram.”

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