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4 Reasons Why You Should Be Using Custom Audiences

Written by Conor Ryan | Feb 10, 2015 11:37:23 AM

Facebook Custom Audiences allow you to reach your most valuable audiences on Facebook, using CRM data and intent data from your website. Custom Audiences are a great way on Facebook to target people based on data you own, in a safe way. In addition to creating a Custom Audiences from a data file, you can use them to remarket customers from your website or mobile app and reach them on any device.

  1. Immense Scale: Facebook's brand reach across desktop and mobile consist of 1.35bn active users.
  2. Real Identity: Facebook's use of real identity means you will target people, not cookies.
  3. Accurate Targeting: You can layer other Facebook targeting options to ensure you're sending the right message.
  4. Across Devices: Display ads across desktop and mobile.

Custom Audiences from your website

Website Custom Audiences (WCA) are a powerful means of identifying people who have visited your website and finding them again on Facebook – even on tablet and mobile, unlike other retargeting solutions.

In fact, StitcherAds can enable not just this basic use of Website Custom Audiences, but makes it really relevant for retailers.

  • Retarget to people who looked at a single product/SKU
  • Exclude people who actually bought a particular SKU
  • Use Website Custom Audiences to prospect to people on Facebook who look similar to those who bought a particular product

Custom Audiences vs FBX

Custom Audiences from your audience and Facebook Exchange are similar but can be leverage in different ways:

Custom Audiences are best when you want to target users across device and you want to combine your Custom Audience with other Facebook targeting. Below is a table showcasing the main differences.

What are your experiences with creating and using  Custom Audiences?