Best Practices

Flash Sales Marketing Strategy - Download Tips

Over the past few years, Flash Sale sites have seen some big successes and some sites stopping completely. Flash Sales marketing strategy is very important for thriving in a challenging market place.

Challenges in Flash Sales

Some analysts say Flash Sale sites have a social media problem and point to consumer complaints on social media often having to do with logistics (shipping, out-of-stock items, etc.). Despite this, there are Flash Sale sites experiencing growth, like Zulily. Other challenges for Flash Sales include:

  • Reaching new customers
  • Time involved in creating multi campaigns and ads
  • Taking advantage of smartphones and tablets
  • Visibility into data for complete analysis of campaign performance

There are ways of overcoming these challenges and achieving greater success.

Flash Sales Success

Online retailers have seen the advantage of Flash Sales tactics and taken a page from their marketing strategy book. For example, American Apparel sold $50K in one hour on Twitter using Flash Sale tactics. Retailers are also realizing that mobile shopping is the future for online retail success and creating their own apps, something savvy Flash Sale sites have known for a while. Still, there is more that Flash Sale sites can do to take advantage of mobile shopping, such as using identity based targeting and retargeting.

Flash Sales Marketing Strategy eGuide

From our years of experience working with top Flash Sale sites, we've developed a Flash Sales marketing strategy guide. In the guide, we address some misconceptions, problems, challenges and offer insights we’ve collected to help Flash Sale performance marketers thrive. Our Flash Sales marketing strategy eGuide provides tactics for:

  • Flash Sale Campaigns
  • Reaching Shoppers Where They Are
  • Tracking & Reporting
  • What Facebook Can Do for Flash Sales

Who should read the guide?

  1. Flash Sale Marketers: Get access to advanced best practices that work for the world's best Flash Sale sites.
  2. Pureplay Online Retail Marketers: Learn customer acquisition secrets of Flash Sale sites that will help your business.
  3. Multichannel Retail Marketers: Learn innovative online marketing techniques to help grow your business.

Improve your marketing strategy with our Flash Sales tips: Download the eGuide