
Mobile Christmas Shopping... in August?!


Retailers must be prepared for mobile Christmas shopping this year. Last year 35.7% of online sales in November and December were from smartphones and tablets, according to IBM's Online Retail Christmas Shopping Trends. There was significant year-over-year growth in sales completed via mobile devices too (94% growth in the UK and 63% growth in the US for sales completed via mobile devices).

Paid Social and Mobile

What does this mean for retailers this year? It seem obvious they should be prepared to take advantage of this trend with their advertising and reach customers on their smartphones and tablets. Many retailers are beginning to experiment with paid social, as an effective way to do this. Because many people use their smartphones and tablets for social media, retailers are able to reach them wherever they are.

According to Adobe's Social Intelligence Report, Facebook leads the way in social referral traffic and referral revenue to retail websites. Facebook's CTR is up 365% year-over-year, while the relative cost for direct response ads on Facebook remains low. Because of Facebook's reach, it's an ideal channel for retailers this Christmas season.

Identity Targeting and Multi-Product Ads

Recently Facebook Multi-Product Ads became available to retailers for displaying direct response ads. The combination of Facebook's ability to target individuals across devices plus multi-product ads is perfect for retailers. Multi-product ads allow retailers to display three different products in one ad, each with their own URL. When this is combined with identity targeting across devices, retailers will be posed to take advantage of the mobile market this year.

Develop Your Strategy for Mobile Christmas Shopping

Have you begun your advertising strategy for the Christmas buying season? Does it include targeting mobile devices and individuals through social media? Consider taking advantage of Facebook as an advertising platform and reach customers across smartphones, tablets and desktop. Mobile Christmas shopping is going to be big this year, don't miss out!

Sources: IBM Mega Monday Report UKIBM Christmas Rediness Report US, Adobe Social Intelligence Report